Boy wearing funny glasses

Weird & Wacky Party

Does your child have a great sense of humor? If so, go all out with a Weird & Wacky Party.

Party Invitations
Write invitation in mirror image, backwards or in pig latin or cut invitation into puzzle pieces. Ask guests to dress weird (inside out, backwards, hat & glasses).

Party Decorations
Decorate with brightly colored balloons and streamers.

Games & Activities
Play opposites games where guests do the opposite of what you say. Have backwards races and a backwards spelling bee. Play balloon stomp, silly string tag, musical chairs and Twister. Tell jokes and riddles.

Arts & Crafts
Make silly hats and offer funny face painting.

Party Refreshments
Serve cereal for lunch (weird shapes & colors), jello, popcorn, orange soda ice cream floats and cake with candles that don’t blow out.

Party Favors
Send guests home with silly putty, crazy straws, jokes & riddles books, yo-yos, paddle balls, finger puppets, whoopee cushions or joke glasses (big nose & mustache) or springy eye balls.